Samskritam Video Competition
April 20, 2020 - June 30, 2020
Samskrita Bharati USA is proud to announce the results of the first ever Samskritam Video Competition.
On behalf of Samskrita Bharati, USA we would like to congratulate all the participants in the first such competition held anywhere in the world. We received more than 500 registrations from ten different countries. A team of 25 judges from the US, Canada, UK and India judged more than 300 videos in five different rounds. Each video that made it to the final round was reviewed again by eleven more judges.
Judging was by no means easy. The participants had put a lot of time and effort in creating these videos. Their love for Samskritam was evident in each one of these videos. We are excited about the response and the publicity buzz that our video competition has garnered. We believe that in the coming years, Samskritam would be a very popular language in the field of visual arts.
Playlist of top videos selected
You can find announcement results and the playlist below:
Click here to watch Video Competition #SBUSA2020 Playlist
Check out all participating videos on YouTube with following hashtags:
#SBUSA2020 #SamskritVideo #SBVideoComp
Here is a list of all winners:
Competition Winners
Grand First Prize
- Shriji Sharma, India - “Gavo Vishwasya Mataraha | गावो विश्वस्य मातरः”
Grand Second Prize
- Ramya Mangala Lakshmi, India - “Katapayadi System in Melakarta Ragas”
Category Prize Winners
Short Film
First Prize
- Sriram Ganesh, USA - “Sanskrit Skit Mangalyam Tantunanena”
Second Prize
- Ravi Ramakrishnan, USA - “Sanskrit Skit Mysore Pak”
Third Prize
- Usha Jayaraman, USA - “अनुसरणीया संस्कृतिः । Culture should be followed”
Music Video
First Prize
- Usha Jayaraman, USA (also Short Film 3rd prize winner!) - “पठन्तु संस्कृतम् । Learn Samskritam!”
Second Prize
- Paavani Rao and Shruthi Ganesh Rao, USA - “Namo Namo Bharathambe”
Third Prize
- Sashank Subedi, Canada - “मे माता | My Mother”
First Prize
- Creative Thinkers, India - “संस्कृतस्य विश्वपरिक्रमा। The world tour of Sanskritam”
Second Prize
- Jyoti Raj, India - “श्रीलङ्का देशे भवतां स्वागतम्”
Third Prize
- Sandhya Prasad, India - “Some Interesting Facts in Samskrit!”
First Prize
- Parikshit Nandkishor Zodekar, India - “निर्माति भेलखाद्यम् Shreya Prepares Bhel Snack”
Second Prize
- Shankarararama Sharma, India - “Chitra Bandhas in Paduka Sahasram of Sri Vedanta Desika”
Third Prize
- Krithiga, India - “Samskrita Shikshanam”
First Prize
- Yuvaraj Venkatesan, USA - “पूरी आलुकम् (PURI ALUKAM)”
Second Prize
- Bhakti Purandare, India - “Extra Talented Students.यदा शिष्याः शिक्षिकापेक्षया पटुतराः”
Third Prize
- Aarshvi Vikrant Shah, India - “कोरोना कालः - हास्य कणिका । Corona Times”
Encouragement Prize Winners
Short Film
- Mrudula Nadgauda, USA - "चल कूष्माण्ड टुणुक् टुणुक् - Short Film"
- Pranav Reddipalli, USA - "samskritEH samrakshaNam kuru!- A Sanskrit Skit (WHY SANSKRIT)"
- Shivani Kedila, USA - "The Story of 2020 [English Subtitles]"
- Niva Mangalampalli, USA - "तस्मै पाणिनये नमः | Tasmai Paninaye Namah ।"
- Nishant Shukla, India - "Sarve Vayam Sainikāh"
- Ranjani Mohan, USA - "प्रतिघातः | The Shock"
- Subramanian Natarajan, USA "शारदे | शारदे | - कथाभागः 1 - चूर्णोदयम् / Samskrtam Short Film - Comedy"
- Sunil Chellappan, USA - "संस्कृतभारती Chicago - लघुरूपकमाला - १"
- Vaishnavi Hariprasad, USA - "adbhuta bIjaH"
Music Video
- Sriram Karthik, USA - "Sanskrit Phalani Geetham"
- Chaithra Rao, USA - "गृञ्जनकस्य व्यञ्जनं Carrot Kosambari (With English subtitles)"
- Maheshwari Dixith, USA - "Sri Krishna PrarthanA (Sapta vibhaktyAm - in Seven Vibhaktis)"
- Krithiga, India (also Teaching category 3rd prize winner!) - "Beauty of Sanskrit (with English subtitles)"
- Srinath Jayaraman, USA - "एकः-अनेके । भारतीय-दूरदर्शन-संस्थया पूर्वप्रदर्शितं प्रसिद्धगीतं संस्कृतेन"
- Uma Kalluparambil, USA - "Samskritam Saralam Song"
- Sruthi Karthik, USA (also 4th place in Music Video category!) "bhavAn kim karotI geetham"
- Vaishnavi Sai Vinoba, Oman - "Vaishnavi-Kalye Budhyati Mama Janani (कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी)"
- Subhashini Sankaran, USA - "#Ashtapadhi #Nadha hare #नाद हरे"
- Nehaarika Shridhar, USA - "Hariharan - Samskritam Video Project"
- Nandhini Prathivathibayangaram Muralidharan, USA - "संस्कृतं संस्कृतिः संस्कृतं संरक्षितम् |Sanskrit song|"
- Ramalatha Raveendran, USA - "Sanskrit Vibhakti learning song (with English subtitles)"
- Mrudula Nadgauda, USA - "Ramayan-Sangeet-katha-संक्षिप्त-गीतरामायणम्"
- Likith.S.B, USA - "संस्कृत पाठणं दृश्यमुद्रणम् Sanskrit song teaching and learning video by Nischal & Likith"
- Madhura Khare, USA - "Saraswati Vandana by Madhura Khare"
- Anand Parankussam, USA - "Abhayaranyam - Sanskrit Rhymes"
- Smita Dodlaty, USA - "Friends of Mother Earth- avanimaitri"
- Payal Ratnoo, India - "आम्लं द्राक्षाफलम् A Sanskrit Poem by Parnika Ratnoo"
- Hiya Ray, India - "Hiya Ray|Sanskrit Song|"
- S. Gopika, India - "samskrit video competition-Music video"
- Aarshvi Vikrant Shah, India (also Jokes category 3rd prize winner!) - "Sanskrita Song to wish Happy Birthday - Sudinam Sudinam"
- Kshama B. N., India - "रङ्गवल्ली - Rangoli"
- Arati Joshi, USA - "हम्पी प्रवासः"
- Angiras, India - "त्रासाय न पूर्वावधानाय च आम् इति वदन्तु"
- Manthan Gala, India - "TEEN LOK VIDEO IN SANSKRIT with english and hindi subtitiles"
- livesanskrit, India - "Story of Ganesha and Subrahmanya. गणेशस्य सुब्रह्मण्यस्य च कथा I"
- Dr. Muralikrishna T., India - "स्वदेशीयः वर्णचूर्णः (Colour Powder)"
- Nithya Aanand, USA - "The art of 'Kolam'"
- Dharshan Sharma, USA - "Dharshan Sanskrit Video (Click cc for English Translation)"
- Pranshi Shah, India - "Learn Kitchen Items Names in Sanskrita"
- Varshini and Sharini Sriram, USA - "Short film: Sisters talking about Shiva and Parvathi."
- S. Alagiya Manavalan, India - "Alagiya Manavalan SrI gIthA teaching"
- Raghav Ranganathan, USA - "Seasons in Sanskrit"
- Sahana Samrat, USA - "SahanaSBJune2020"
Other Finalists
These are other entries that made it into the final round, but did not win a cash prize:
- Sophy Rodrrigo, Australia - Vibhakti in Sanskrit to learn so easy - Teaching
- Adhishri Dingorkar, USA - मूर्ख दासिका (The Foolish Servant: A funny Sanskrit Story) - Jokes
- Sougandhika Nagaraj, USA - Anujaa sarvada nodayati - Jokes
- Vijay Ram, USA - Jaalaputa vargah klista bhavati - Jokes
- Nivedya and Vedika Biju, India - Grame Nagare Samasta Rashtre song by Nivedya. - Music Video
- Shashank Davanagere, USA - Sringeri Jagadgurum - Music Video
- Ramesh Sutar, India - Garud gaman - Music Video
- Saranayaki, USA - Saranayaki singing Abhayaranyam - Music Video
- S.Ananthanarayanan, India - Ratnaketa Deekshitaha - Informational
वदतु संस्कृतम् ! जयतु संस्कृतम् !