s2s COURSE - Online Certificate Course for adults
In affiliation with the Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University (KKSU) recognized by the Maharashtra government, Samskrita Bharati is offering an online certificate course for adults (age +18 years) called sambhāṣaṇataḥ śāstraparyantam (s2s: a working motto for Samskrita Bharati) from May 2020 onwards.
s2s - sambhāṣaṇam to śāstram (सम्भाषणम् to शास्त्रम्) course is a 4-year certificate program. At the end of the entire course work, every student who fulfills the requirement will be issued a certificate from KKSU.
To know more about each course and also to register, please use the below link.
S1 course or P1 / S2 Direct Entry Exam => Click here.
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