Distance Learning Program (DLP) - दूरस्थशिक्षणम् |
DLP Exam Preparedness
In order to faciliate and prepare the student for a smoother exam experience, please pay attention to the checklist items and links, well before the exam date (at least a week prior if not more)
- परिचयात्मकक्रमसङ्ख्यावि
षयकः - Regarding Roll Numbers - व्यवस्थासूचनाविषयकः - Instructions for Online Proctored
- तन्त्रांशसिद्धताविषयकः - Browser Compatibility Test
- यन्त्रांशसिद्धताविषयकः - Online Meeting Setup
- पाठविषयकः - Study Material Preparedness