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Distance Learning Program (DLP) - दूरस्थशिक्षणम्

DLP Upcoming Changes

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DLP Adult Class Schedule and Fee Structure

Adults Class Schedule - click here for Adult Class Registration

Fee: For Bhumika:  $41/person and $71/Family

Fee: For all others:  $101/person and $191/Family

Class Name Start Date Duration Additional Info

Adult bhUmika

1st week of every other month (Sep, Nov, Jan, Mar, May, Jul)

Saturdays 10:00AM - 11:30 AM ET

4 weeks

Pre-requisites:  NONE

Study Material:  Instructor will mail before the classes begin


Classes begin 1st week of Jun/Dec

Tuesdays – 9:00 to 10:00 PM ET

Note: First class will be an overview and open to all

20 weeks

Pre-requisites: Script knowledge preferred

Study Material:  Pravesha Book to be purchased


Classes begin 1st week of Jun/Dec

Saturdays – 7:00 to 8:00 PM ET

Note: First class will be an overview and open to all

20 weeks

Pre-requisites: Script knowledge preferred - Please see the note below

Study Material:  Pravesha Book to be purchased


Classes begin 1st week of Jul/Jan

Saturdays – 8:30 to 9:30 PM ET

20 weeks

Pre-requisites: Pravesha-1  - Please see the note below

Study Material:  Pravesha Book to be purchased


Classes begin 1st week of Jun/Dec

Thursdays – 9:00 to 10:00 PM ET

Note: First class will be an overview and open to all

20 weeks

Pre-requisitesFamiliarity with Pravesha material and basic ability to comprehend Samskritam

Study Material:  ParichayaBook to be purchased


Classes begin 1st week of Jun/Dec

Fridays – 9:00 to 10:00 PM ET

Note: First class will be an overview and open to all

20 weeks

Pre-requisites: Familiarity with Parichaya material and ability to comprehend Samskritam

Study Material:  Shiksha Book to be purchased


Classes begin 1st week of Jun/Dec

Wednesdays – 9:00 to 10:00 PM ET

Note: First class will be an overview and open to all

20 weeks

Pre-requisites: Familiarity with Shiksha material and ability to comprehend Samskritam

Study Material:  KovidaBook to be purchased

**NOTE: For those students who wish to get a slow paced tutorial for Pravesha course, a separate class will be conducted where the course material is split into two parts (Pravesha-1 and Pravesha-2) each with 20 weeks duration.  In other words these students would complete the Pravesha course in 40 weeks rather than 20 weeks giving them more time to study and prepare well.

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