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Distance Learning Program (DLP) - दूरस्थशिक्षणम्

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DLP Exams Related Information

DLP Exam Structure Changes (Effective May 2024 Exam Cycle)

After carefully reviewing the feedback from several students regarding the current DLP Exam Structure in the US, the SBDLP is introducing a new optional exam structure to the students, effective the May 2024 exam cycle. 

  1. The current DLP Exam structure will remain the same, where students take the Pravesha, Parichaya, Shiksha, and Kovida exams sequentially and obtain relevant certifications. The exam evaluation criteria will also remain the same.
  2. The new optional exam structure is described below:
    1. The new optional exams are meant for the students who are more interested in studying/improving their Samskrtiam language skills rather than obtaining certificates for advanced degrees (using Samskritam as a medium of instruction) or for any other reasons.
    2. The optional exams will be named differently and are evaluated by book content (rather than being tested for expertise).  It is meant to simply assess their progress.
      • Bhasa - equivalent to Pravesha.
      • Valmiki - equivalent to Parichaya
      • Vyasa - equivalent to Shiksha
      • Kalidasa - equivalent to Kovida
    3. Optional exam certifications are not sufficient for higher/advanced studies using Samskritam as a medium of instruction.
    4. Optional exam question papers will be in line with the content and exercises provided in the respective books
    5. The Exam fee for optional exams remains the same as the current exam fee.
    6. The optional level exams cannot be converted to the regular exam scheme. One has to start from Pravesha to be certified for higher studies.
DLP Upcoming Changes new

Exam Cycles

The exams are conducted in two cycles - MAY-cycle and NOVEMBER-cycle.  The May cycle extends from May to October.  The November cycle extends from November to April of the next year.  

Split Syllabus Exams

If a student is not prepared to take the full Pravesha exam, he/she can complete that in two parts by taking Pravesha Part I and Pravesha Part II on different dates.  The Pravesha certificate will be issued when both exams are completed. 

Similarly, if a student is not prepared to take the full Parichaya exam, he/she can complete that in two parts by taking Parichaya Part I and Parichaya Part II on different dates.  The Parichaya certificate will be issued when both exams are completed

Exam Dates

Each exam cycle has multiple exam dates for certain levels and only one option for others.  This is detailed below - 

  • Pravesha has three exam dates per exam cycle (6 exam dates year-round)
  • Pravesha Part 1 and Part 2 has two exam dates per cycle (4 exam dates year-round)
  • Parichaya has one exam date per exam cycle (2 exam dates year-round)
  • Parichaya Part 1 and Part 2 has two exam dates per cycle (4 exam dates year-round)
  • Shiksha has one exam date per exam cycle (2 exam dates year-round)
  • Kovida has one exam date per exam cycle (2 exam dates year-round) 

The figure below shows the planned exam dates up to NOV2024 Exam Cycle. 

  • Exam duration for the Full Exams (Pravesha full, Parichaya Full, Shiksha, and Kovida) is 3 hours
  • Exam duration for the Part Exams (Pravesha-Part1 and Part2, Parichaya Part1 and Part2) is 2.5 hours 
  • ALL EXAMS begin at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (USA) and follow the Day Light Saving adjustment as applicable. 
  • Students taking from other time zones must calculate their exam start time accordingly. For example, for the Pacific Time zone (PT) students, the exam start time would be from 2:00 PM. 
  • International students must calculate the time difference and ALSO set their computer clock to the USA ET timezone during the exam time 

 Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we intend to stay with the planned dates and time.   

DLP Exam Schedule

NOTEExam display is chronological (and not by exam level)

Exam Registration

 The current Exam cycle is NOV2024. Registrations will be closed by Feb 10th, 2025. Click here to register before they are closed.

Exams are open for registration as published.  Once registered, we will send

  • An acknowledgment email detailing the information provided, allowing for updates to any inaccuracies from the student’s side.
  • A confirmation email with the Registration number (also referred to as Roll Number) must be used for all correspondences for this examination, through the result phase and beyond.

Exam Fee

  • $40 - Fees per student per exam (Pravesha, Parichaya, Shiksha, Kovida)
  • $25 - Fees per student per exam (Pravesha Part I, Pravesha Part II, Parichaya Part I, Parichaya Part II)

Change of Exam Date

  • Change of exam date for the Pravesha exam from May xx to June xx  (or Nov xx to Dec xx) and vice versa is allowed only up to five days prior to the earliest exam date  
  • Change of exam dates for all other exams not allowed (i.e. no deferment from one cycle to the next) - Only option is for you to cancel and re-register later

Multiple Exam Registrations per cycle

One may opt to register for multiple exams in the same cycle if one is sufficiently prepared.  Consecutive levels are staggered to facilitate this choice.  The exams have to be attempted in sequence (except for the Parichaya and Shiksha pairing, where the Shiksha date will be prior to the Parichaya date). In such cases please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. requesting for multiple exams and acknowledging the note below:

NOTE:  However, it should be noted that if one chooses to take 2 or more exams, and does not clear the earlier exam, then the later exam will be voided (the result will not be announced, and the student will have to reregister for both exams later.) 

It is recommended that one does not register for more than one level if that level is being repeated.

Exam Cancellation Policy

Once registered, students may cancel their registration for full, partial, or no refund, according to the details below. In each case, the refund process may take up to 3 weeks after the Exam Date 

  • Cancellation before the close of the exam registration date - 100% refund (minus $2.00 cancellation fee)
  • Cancellation after the closing of registration, up until three days before the date of the exam - 75% refund
  • Cancellation in the last three days leading up to the exam, or, a no-show on the date of the  exam - no refund

No More Fee Waiver

  • Starting MAY2021 exam cycle, there will be no fee waiver for students who do not pass the exam.  Students will have to re-register for the exam, paying the appropriate fee whenever they are ready to retake the exam. 


Sample Question Papers and Review Feedback

Pravesha (New Sample) Pravesha Part I (New Sample) Pravesha Part II (New Sample)
Parichaya (New Sample) Parichaya Part I (New Sample) Parichaya Part II (New Sample)
Shiksha (New Sample) Kovida (New Sample)  
Exam FAQ Review Feedback  


Additional Notes:

  • Registration Dates specified in the table above are strictly followed. No exceptions  
  • There is no grace period for late registration.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic situation, this cycle of DLP Exams will be conducted Online (similar to how Nov/Dec 2020 exams were conducted)


  1. Examinees must have an uninterrupted Internet connection throughout the exam duration
  2. Examinees must have a working video camera on their Laptop/Desktop/Tablet etc. and is expected to be turned on during the entire exam duration.
  3. Examinees must have a working scanner / scanner app on their smart phone to be used at the end of the exam to scan the hand written answer sheets.
  4. Scanned answer sheets must be sent via email within 30 minutes after the exam expiration time.
  5. Question paper will only be made available electronically for the duration of the exam.


 Exam Preparedness (Click here)

 Exam Evaluation Criteria & Grading Scale (Click here)

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